Southerners: Start Harvesting Clean Food and Natural Medicine From Wild Plants Growing Around Your Home In This 8-Week Online Course!

Increase Your Self-Sufficiency and Learn How to Turn Common Backyard Plants Into Delicious Food Sources and Potent Medicines...
Click Here To Enroll

Mike Triplett ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"Matthew Hunter is extremely knowledgeable about edible and medicinal plants. He has developed a very effective way of teaching plant identification online. Matthew eagerly answers questions, confirms plant identifications, and offers additional helpful hints and information. I recommend his course."

Mick Parker ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"This course makes learning about edible and medicinal plants extremely quick and easy. It is very rewarding to learn about a plant, identify it with certainty, and consume it like any vegetable you can get from the store. It’s also kind of funny to realize that you pretty much have an entire pharmacy in the woods and fields around your house."

Elizabeth Daniel ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"This class is a MUST for beginner or novice foragers! Mr. Hunter is extremely knowledgeable, always available to answer any questions and provides classes that are not only informative but something to look forward to every week. Legacy Wilderness Academy has not only provided valuable knowledge, it gives you the confidence to forage in the wild without fear. Five Stars!"

The Southern Forest Is Like a Grocery Store Where Everything Is Free, You Just Have To Learn How To Read The Labels...

Hello! My name is Matthew Hunter, founder of Legacy Wilderness Academy. 

You’ve found your way to this page because you want to increase your knowledge of edible and medicinal plants, and I want to thank you for visiting!

I‘d like to take this opportunity to tell you about my Southeast Forager course to help you decide if it’s a good option for you!

But first, a little about me so you know who’s writing to you!

My journey into foraging started when I was about 18 years old. I was very interested in learning which plants I could use to live off the land and feed my family in the event of an economic crash, disaster, or emergency off-grid situation.

During my research I quickly began to realize the immense value that wild plants have to offer. 

Southerners are surrounded by a vast array of resources that can not only provide us with survival rations and emergency medicine in hard times, but also tasty fruits and vegetables that are packed full of nutrients, completely free from pesticides and preservatives, abundant, and free for the taking.

Back in 2021 I had the opportunity to start teaching about foraging in an online setting, and despite some people's hesitation about learning foraging online, I have had amazing results with it.

I found out first hand that online training can be very effective at actually equipping people to harvest food and medicine from the plants around them, and have since moved to teaching about foraging full time.

Introducing: The Southeast Forager

Harvest the Wild Bounty of the Southern Fields, Forests, and Swamps

The Southeast Forager is an 8-week online course designed to equip Southerners to harvest edible and medicinal plants in the Southeastern US.

Weekly lessons systematically walk the learner through everything they need to know to identify and prepare tasty fruits, nuts, and vegetables from their local area and craft potent herbal remedies right from home!

Students will receive a comprehensive “crash course” into the world of foraging covering topics like herbal medicine making, wild food preservation and preparation methods, plant identification and foraging safety, and much more!

Each lesson walks the learner step-by-step through the whole gathering process from field to kitchen so they know exactly how to identify and use each plant.

Students will also be encouraged to maintain 1-on-1 communication with me (the instructor) both during, and for a whole year after the course, that way I can confirm that every plant you plan to use is identified correctly and you can have the confidence to forage without the fear of eating the wrong thing!

An 8-Week Live Online Course

Start Date: June 11, 2024 

Tuesdays at 7pm Central Time

  • Learn the best-tasting and most nutrient dense wild foods that you can find in your own backyard and favorite hiking trails. 
  • Get equipped to identify, harvest, and prepare the most important calorie-rich staple foods for long term off-grid living and survival

  • Discover which Southern plants have been used to treat common everyday ailments like joint pain and arthritis, memory and cognitive function, energy and fatigue, nerve pain and sciatica, allergies, hormone health, high blood pressure, insomnia, and much more!
  • Learn emergency medicinal plants in our region that you can rely on in hard times in the event higher medical care becomes unavailable....
  • Sharpen your skills in plant identification and get 1-on-1 guidance from a qualified instructor for a whole year so you can harvest new plants without the fear of getting it wrong!

Enrollment Ends In:









Click Here To Enroll

Michelle Herzog ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"This is an EXCELLENT course to learn to identify local plants and how to use them! I expect to use the information presented for the rest of my life! Thank you!"

Stacy Stepp ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"Wonderful course! Matthew has very obviously done his research in preparation for this course. I've taken several plant classes, and just when I think I know a lot of plants, he surprises me with new ones! Not only did he cover detailed descriptions of edible and medicinal plants, but he also taught about what season and range to find them in, and how to prepare them either to eat or to take as medicine. My knowledge of plants has grown tremendously thanks to the Southeast Forager course."

Suzanne Jessamyn ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"Even just half way through the course I have gained valuable knowledge I can use related to plants you find in the region I live. Definitely would take another related course."

Immediately Start Finding Dozens of New Edible Plants in Your Area That Are Cleaner, Fresher, and More Nutritious Than Anything You Can Buy at the Grocery Store!

Many people today are trying to move away from overly-processed foods that are often packed full of chemicals and artificial preservatives

When you sign up for The Southeast Forager, I’ll teach you about our region’s best-tasting and most nutritious food plants so you can have access to clean, organic food that is packed full of vitamins and nutrients(and tasty, too!)

Wild plants are abundant, easy to find, and fun to harvest, and when you get really good at foraging you essentially gain access to a massive supply of free food for the rest of your life!

Learn How to Craft Homemade Herbal Medicines With Common Southern Plants

Over the past decade I’ve noticed a huge rising interest in natural plant medicine. Many people I talk to are trying to avoid pharmaceuticals unless absolutely necessary, and would much rather take something that grows right out of the ground.

In this course we’ll take a detailed look at native medicinal plants in the Southeast region. I’ll walk you step-by-step through the whole medicine making process so that you feel completely equipped to harvest the useful plants around you and make medicine all on your own!

 I’ll walk you step-by-step through the detailed medicinal uses, and often suggest formulas of multiple different plants that tackle the same health issue from different angles.

We’ll look at remedies for arthritis and joint pain, memory and cognitive function, sciatica and nerve pain, allergies, high blood pressure, heart health, liver health, blood sugar control, hormone health, low energy and fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, and much more!

I Will Show You The Most Important Plants for Self-Sufficiency, Survival, and Long Term Off-Grid Living

Preparing for the threat of a serious economic crisis, supply chain cutoff, or other long-term emergency is currently on the minds of many Americans.

That’s why one of the primary goals of this course is to teach you how to identify, harvest, and prepare the most calorie-rich survival foods that can realistically provide for you and your family in the event of a disaster or emergency.

I picked these plants because they are most important for self-sufficiency and long term off-grid living, and I think every Southerner should be familiar with how to use them.

I'm also going to cover emergency medicinal plants that every Southerner has access to in their immediate area. This will ensure that you will always have access to medicine, even if supply lines are slowed down or temporarily cut off.

Many of these plants were used by Southerners during the Civil War when access to regular medical supplies was cut off, so they have a proven history of being used in hard times and post-disaster situations.

Master the Art of Separating Toxic Lookalikes From Delicious Edibles With My Step-by-Step Proven Framework That Will Take You From "Afraid of Getting It Wrong" To Seasoned Harvester

The #1 problem I hear from beginner foragers is that they’re afraid they’re going to poison themselves by eating the wrong thing

Many people are intimidated by the idea of harvesting a completely new plant from the wild, cooking it up, and serving it for dinner,

So oftentimes they end up just avoiding foraging altogether

Even if you aren’t directly afraid of poisoning yourself, most beginners struggle with identifying plants with 100% certainty, enough to have the confidence to actually pick the plant and cook it for supper

A lot of people WANT to harvest edible plants, they just don’t trust themselves to get it right

In the end, they miss out on a whole host of amazing resources and delicious treasures that they could be enjoying every single year completely for free! What a bummer!

Since this is one of the biggest problems holding people back from using edible and medicinal plants, it’s an issue I want to solve!

That’s why one of the main goals of my Southeast Forager course is to sharpen your plant identification skills and equip you with an intuitive, step-by-step process you can follow each time you harvest a new plant so that you’re 100% certain you haven’t mistaken it for a toxic lookalike...

Let me tell you how it works

With a little practice even the most similar looking plants can be told apart from potential poisonous lookalikes. In this course I'll teach you how to look, so you can say goodbye to the fear of getting it wrong for good!

I Will Help You Identify Plants for a Whole Year, So There's Not a Shred of Doubt That You're Eating the Right Plant...

Even though I know this course will help answer a lot of your questions about foraging, I don’t want to just leave you on your own once it’s over.

If you’re like me, you’ll still have a million other questions that pop up throughout the year, and you’re still going to need help identifying the plants you’re finding

That’s why during the course and throughout the whole next year(long after the course is over), you’re going to have access to me via text and email to ask as many questions as you want.

When you sign up for the course, I’ll email you my personal phone number so that you can send me pictures of the plants you’re finding, that way I can confirm that you identified correctly before you eat them, as well as help guide you on the specific ways to use them(including things like preparation and dosage if it’s a medicinal plant.)

In past courses I’ve had major success with this type of 1-on-1 instruction. When students are able to know with 100% certainty that they’ve accurately identified a plant, they’re able to learn much faster and have immediate confidence that what they’re about to eat isn’t going to poison them.

Beginners often say things like “I wish I had an expert standing over my shoulder when I’m out foraging”...

With The Southeast Forager, that can almost become a reality!

When you sign up, you’ll have a qualified foraging instructor who is at the ready, happy to answer every single question you have on your foraging journey!

I know it’s going to make a world of difference during your next year of foraging!

Learn How To Recognize Key Resources In Our Region and Gain Access to an Abundant Supply of Nutritious Food and Medicine That Comes Back Year After Year

Create Tasty Dishes That Will Impress Even The Most Hardened Wild Food Skeptics (Including Your Spouse😉)

Learn the Skills Your Ancestors Relied On During Hard Times

Pass Those Skills Down to the Next Generation- They Might Need Them!

8-Week Course Syllabus

Lesson 1: Crash Course Into The World Of Wild Food

  • Learn the step-by-step process I've used to safely consume over 300 plants from the wild.
  • Foraging Safety: 4 easy rules for avoiding plants that have been contaminated with pesticides, herbicides, and other carcinogenic chemicals.
  • Location, Location, Location: Where are the best places to forage, and where is it legal or illegal?
  • Sustainable Harvesting: How to make sure your great, great grandkids can still harvest all of your favorite foods and medicines

  • Wild Food Resources: Get a list of the best books and free online resources for foraging in the Southern U.S.

Lesson 2: Plant Identification for Beginners- How to Avoid ANY Poisonous Lookalike, No Matter How Closely It Resembles the Real Thing

  • Botanical Terminology Made Simple: Daily 10-minute action steps to help you explore the big world of botany in “bite sized” chunks.
  • Reading a Plant Description: 5 key questions to ask every time you approach a new plant (and how written descriptions reveal important details that pictures alone often leave out).
  • Understanding Leaves: Parts of a leaf, types of leaves, leaf shape, arrangement, and margins (and why knowing the difference is essential for separating similar looking plants).
  • Plant Identification Checklists: Homework sheets to help you sharpen your skills of plant identification, memorize important terms, and teach you “how to look” at plants so you can become confident in your identifications and forage without fear!

Lesson 3: Foraging From Beginner to Advanced

  • The Ins-and-Outs of Harvesting Various Plant Parts: Leafy greens, shoots, nuts, fruit, roots, flowers, teas, spices, and more!
  • Cyanide, Antinutrients, and Carcinogens- How I've eaten hundreds of wild plants without fear of disaster, and how you can too!
  • America’s Original Root Beer Tree: Why it was outlawed for sale, (why it never should have been), and how to make homemade root beer the old fashioned way.
  • Poke Salad: America’s most misunderstood wild green.

Lesson 4: Processing, Preparing, and Preserving- What To Do With Your Foraged Finds...

  • Harvesting Equipment: All of the tools you'll need for foraging.
  • Wild Food Preservation: How to store your foraged finds for future use.
  • Lacto-Fermentation: Making homemade pickles from wild betony roots.
  • Acorns: Harvesting and preparing America’s top wild staple food(including my wife’s recipes for acorn flour cake and elderberry frosting).

Lesson 5: Foraging In Lawns and Gardens

  • Going Gourmet with Wild Garden Greens: Learn why the WEEDS growing in your yard are more nutritious than the vegetables growing in your neighbor's garden!
  • Superfoods Hiding Underfoot: 5 widespread and easy-to-find weeds with powerful nutritional benefits.
  • A common edible weed that was discovered to be higher in omega 3 fatty acids than any other vegetable.
  • Wild Ground Cherry: The wild “cherry tomato” that you won’t want to pull from your garden this year.

Lesson 6: Tasty Foods From Shrubs and Trees

  • America’s Caffeine Tree: How a strange-sounding scientific name made America’s only caffeinated tea plant go out of fashion(even though it tastes wonderful)

  • Our Very Own Native Passionfruit Vine: A tropical flavor in a not-so-tropical region.
  • Southern Wild “Lemonade”: How to make a tasty sour drink from a common shrub you’ve walked by a hundred times.
  • And a handful of other edible and medicinal trees, shrubs, and vines

Lesson 7: Living Off The Land With Wild Plants

  • Learn the high-calorie survival foods that can REALISTICALLY feed you if an emergency strikes.
  • Discover 4 key strategies for living off the land with wild plants.
  • Learn which plants Native Americans in the Southeast used to survive during hard times and famine.

Lesson 8: Medicinal Plants of the Southeast: Turning Your Foraged Finds Into Effective Home Remedies

  • Herbal extracts: How to make simple plant tinctures that a beginner could figure out in minutes.
  • Infusions and Decoctions: Standard amounts, directions, and dosages for making herbal teas.
  • Everyday home remedies for common ailments like cold and flu, allergy relief, energy and fatigue, arthritis pain, stress and anxiety, sleep, and more

Click Here To Enroll

What's Included In This Course:

Live Weekly Classes and a Full YEAR of 1-On-1 Access To The Instructor, So You Never Feel Like You're All On Your Own When Harvesting Plants!

When people start foraging they're often afraid they'll misidentify a plant and eat the wrong thing... OR, they find a new plant and have no idea what to do with it

With The Southeast Forager this will never be a problem, because when you sign up, I’ll send you my personal email and phone number so you can send me pictures of plants and ask as many questions as you want! I (Matthew) will personally answer your questions and confirm (or deny) your identifications so you know 100% for certain that you're eating the right plant!

By sending you my phone number, I make it as convenient as possible for you to quickly ask questions and get answers. All you have to do is snap a picture of a plant and shoot me a text. 

The best part is, I’m offering this kind of 1-on-1 detailed instruction for a whole year! (and get ready, because when someone asks me a question, I take it very seriously. I’ve been known to write multi-paragraph emails when responding to students to make 100% sure they're fully equipped with the knowledge and confidence to actually harvest and use the plant they have in front of them.

Printable "1-Page" Plant Profiles So You Can Learn Plants Quickly and Identify Them With Confidence Once You Find Them

My 1-page plant profiles will make it easy to quickly start learning new edible and medicinal plants. Just scan through the pictures for a few minutes each day, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you start finding new plants!

Each profile shows multiple parts of each plant, with a focus on key identification features so you can be 100% sure you have the right plant.

To make a confident ID, all you have to do is match each feature of the plant in front of you to numbers listed on the profile. If the plant you’re trying to identify matches each feature, you know you have the right plant!

These profiles are designed to help students memorize important plant features and learn important botanical terms without being too complicated for a beginner to use. I’ve even included red numbers that correspond to each identification feature, which makes using them easy and intuitive.

Each profile also summarizes important edible or medicinal uses for each plant to give you a starting point for further research.

Lastly, the profiles can be downloaded to your phone for use in the field, or downloaded to your computer so you can print them and have access to the information without access to internet or electricity.

Check out an example of one of my 1-Page Plant Profiles below!

Medicinal Plants Research Guide: Learn How to Effectively Research New Medicinal Plants You're Finding From Start to Finish (Step-by-Step Video Guide with PDF Checklist)

You've heard the saying "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime"...

As a foraging instructor I have the same approach. I don’t want to just show you a handful of edible and medicinal plants over an 8-week period and then send you on your way
 I want to teach you how to learn, so that after the course is over you feel confident and equipped to find reliable information on how to use the common plants growing in your area to treat everyday ailments.

One of the ways I’m going to accomplish that is with my Medicinal Plants Research Guide. This video guide and downloadable checklist shows you the exact step-by-step process I use when I find a new plant and want to start using it.

This guide was made as a step-by-step “follow along” for you to use during your research. Once you’ve picked a plant you want to know more about, you’ll download the checklist, play the video, and follow each step, pausing the video as you complete each action. By the end of it, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ve learned and how much confidence you’ve gained to actually use the plant you’re learning about!

Free Bonus: 1800's Herbal Medicine Book Collection (In Downloadable PDF Files)

Did you know that nearly all of the best herbal medicine books from the 1800’s are now part of the public domain and are completely free to read?

This is very important, because these books were written during a time when using plants for medicine was much more widespread, and it wasn’t uncommon for your everyday family doctor to prescribe herbal remedies instead of pharmaceuticals.

Diving inside one of these books unlocks a wealth of useful information that is hard to find anywhere else. The authors are often experienced doctors who used plants to treat patients on a daily basis, and they also thoroughly studied every resource on botany, chemistry, and medicine they had access to at the time. It’s like opening a window to the past, and it’s really amazing how much information found in these books isn’t well known anymore, and is actually in danger of being lost!

When you sign up for The Southeast Forager, as an added bonus I’m going to give you access to many of these books in easily downloadable PDF files, that way you don’t have to spend hours and hours tracking each one down like I did.

This knowledge is essential for the budding herbalist who wants to learn the most tried-and-true uses of native medicinal plants that are backed by centuries of trial and error. These books will help you for many years to come!

Check Out the Map Below to See the Exact Region This Course Covers...

To ensure that each student is able to find the plants we cover in class, The Southeast Forager covers a specific region of the Southern U.S. known as the Coastal Plain.

Plant life in this region is similar from end to end, so that students anywhere in the green area on the map will easily be able to locate plants that we talk about in class in their immediate area.

As you start to move outside of this region, plant life slowly starts to change. If you live to the north of this region, most of the plants we discuss will still grow in your area(around 85-90%, as plants are pretty similar throughout the whole Eastern U.S.).

If you live west of the green area in central Oklahoma or central Texas, or if you live in the southern tip of Florida, there will still be some overlap, but keep in mind that plant life changes more drastically in those areas.

Enrollment Ends In:









An 8-Week Live Online Course

Start Date: June 11, 2024 

Tuesdays at 7pm Central Time

Price: $300

Spend your summer hiking and camping trips learning new edible and medicinal plants with our June/July 2024 course! Plants ready during this time include elderberries, muscadine grapes, and wild plums!

Yes, I Want To Enroll!

What If A Single Decision Taken Today Could Ensure You Have A Clean, Reliable, and FREE Source of Food For Many Years to Come?

✅ Discover the process my students and I use to identify edible plants with 100% confidence, so you can avoid eating poisonous look-alikes. (I’ve personally used this exact method to eat over 300 edible wild plants, and I’ve successfully taught students who were brand new to foraging.) 

✅ Gain access to a reliable, organic food source that is pesticide free and non-GMO. 

✅ Pass down important skills to the next generation before they lose the ability to be self-reliant!

✅ Discover the guidelines to sustainably harvest the different types of plants and ensure they keep coming back in healthy populations year after year.

✅ Get valuable insights and strategies for living off the land in a real food emergency- learned from over 10 years of regular foraging and extensive research.  

✅ Discover the tips, techniques, and equipment for preparing and storing wild foods – so you know exactly what to do after you harvest them. 

✅ Increase your awareness of the natural world and the Southern forests we call home!

By the end of The Southeast Forager, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to know to confidently harvest wild plants all on your own...

Join me and discover the forgotten skills, tools, and knowledge that enable my students to reconnect with nature, craft potent natural medicines, and access a reliable source of nutritious food nearly all year round!

Click the button above to enroll now!

I'm so sure that you'll love The Southeast Forager that I offer a 14 Day Money-Back Guarantee.  If for ANY REASON you don’t like the program, you have 14 days after the course starts to change your mind and ask for a refund. No hassle, no hard feelings.

When you enroll today there’s absolutely no risk involved. If you feel like the course ends up not being what you expected, all you have to do is ask for your money back. It’s that simple.

Customer service is my top priority, so if you have any questions or concerns, you can expect a quick and responsive reply to get them taken care of.

Meet Your Instructor

 Matthew Hunter is the creator of multiple outdoor education courses including Fundamentals of Wilderness Survival, Foraging 101, Wild Food University, and The Southeast Forager. He’s been foraging for over a decade and has filmed over 150 videos on edible wild plants and outdoor skills.

Matthew lives with his wife and daughter in West Monroe, Louisiana.

Frequently Asked Questions

What If I Can't Make It to the Live Classes, Will the Lessons be Recorded?

Yes, every lesson will be recorded and you'll be able to watch them any time, so don't worry if something comes up and you miss a week!

How Long Will I Be Able To Access The Videos?

You'll have lifetime access to the course recordings. They won't ever be deleted.

What If I Don't Live in the Green Area on the Map?

Many of the plants covered in this course grow throughout the whole Eastern U.S., not just in the green area on the map. If you live north of the green zone, about 85%-90% of the plants we cover will still grow in your area. If you live west of the green zone, you'll still get quite a bit out of the course, but the dryer climate of central Texas and central Oklahoma will lower the amount of crossover. Lastly, if you live in south Florida, the climate becomes tropical and the plants become very different. This course will not be as good of a fit for you.

Will This Course Work For My Son/Daughter?

The Southeast Forager is homeschool-mom approved. It was made for adults, but will also work great for high-schoolers as a nature/science/outdoor course. All of my lessons are family friendly, and after taking the course, your kiddos will be begging you to take them outside to explore! Get ready for a mess in the kitchen after enrolling in this course!

Yes, I Want To Enroll!

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